The Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary (SAWA) will host the 5th annual Kettle Krush 5K run/walk on May 18 at 8 a.m. in Piedmont Park. I would love for you join my team! Race proceeds will help SAWA and The Salvation Army “krush” poverty, homelessness and sex trafficking, and support veterans and youth enrichment in the Atlanta area. All participants will receive a short-sleeved, soft cotton T-shirt. Prizes will be awarded to the individual/corporate team with the most runners/walkers participating (minimum 10). If you can’t make it race day, please consider signing up to be a “phantom” runner (no sweating required to get T-shirt). You can register at http://kettlekrush5k.itsyourrace.com/. The deadline to sign up online is May 16 at 11:59 p.m. Hope to see you there!